iving Bitters speeds up the natural cleansing of the entire system and improves intestinal absorption as it gently empties the bowels.
Aloes Capensis, Hydrastic Canadensis, Echinacea and Angostifolia.
Net Wt: 200 ml
One teaspoonful (15ml) Twice daily before meals for three weeks.
Expect signs of bowel movement about 8 to 10 hours after intake.
If frequent stool results, reduce to half dosage.
What are the benefits of Living Bitters?
Users of this great medicine have attested to the following facts that Living Bitters:
- Cleanses the colon of impurities.
- Purifies the blood, improves blood circulation and promotes good sight.
- Takes away fullness & heaviness.
- Prevents and clears boils, pimples & skin problems, & keeps the skin soft, supple & silky.
Nationwide Shipping. You can expect your order within 4 days, we charge $17 for shipping, and we offer free shipping on orders over $100
PS: We do not accept returns for pharmaceutical items, thus, no refund for pharmaceutical orders.